Woo-hoo! It’s the weekend, so you know what that means….it’s time for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs!
1. My school is closed this week and next.
However, I STILL have to go in because as the English teacher, it’s in my contract. Some of the teachers have come up and worked. Why? I have no idea. It’s like their summer break now since we are in between school years.
2. Since I have to be at school when it’s closed, it’s called desk warming. Basically I get paid to sit at my desk and watch Netflix. So I watch Netflix on my school desktop and work on my TPT stuff on my Mac. It’s a good set up. I’ve been able to get all of my TPT products updated to reflect my new store name and blog. That was a mighty task.
I have watching Bones on Netflix. I love this show. I have already seen all the episodes, and I have enjoyed rewatching them and seeing Bones and Booth’s relationship from the very beginning. I’m halfway through Season 6. After finishing Bones, I’ll be onto another series. I’ve got several series on my watch list: Downtown Abbey, Orange is the New Black, Sherlock, Dexter, and several more. Any that I just have to add to my list?
3. I had to clean out my kitchen sink drain the other day. In Korea, there are no kitchen disposals, so all the food bits go into this here drain. And it’s disgusting. Really disgusting. You have to put a little bleach tab in there so it doesn’t smell. I didn’t know this when I first moved to Korea, and boy, did it smell. It’s the little things I miss from home…

*sings* I linked up, I linked up…I was the first to link up!! I love your "I'm grateful linky"….
Liebster Award? Congrats! You are the second blogger I follow that has gotten it. It's one of my bloggy goals…
I mentioned above that I follow you….i do in theory. I cannot get the "Join this Site" Button to work. After I post this I am gonna do Follow by Email.
Do you and your friend ever figure out what the waiter meant? I literally LOL's when I saw "Pirates".
Oh, and I am glad you were finally able to get OUT of your apartment. lol.
Happy Saturday!!!
If You Mustache, I Heart Teaching.