Here are my TOP 10 reasons why I love using choice boards in my classroom.
I use choice boards in every subject, with several different grade levels.
Here’s an example of some of my choice boards in math, reading, and science.
A big reason I love using them is that they work with students of different abilities. For students that are struggling somewhat, I might pair them up with a partner and narrow down the choices to 2 or 3 instead of 9. For my higher students, they love the freedom in being able to do more creative projects. Some of the stuff they have come up with is amazing. I just love seeing their creativity shine through.
Here are some of the choice board projects that my third grade students have created. They absolutely loved working on them and creating them.
These students created little books on the rain forest.
She created a foldable and designed it all herself.
She wrote about the different connections she made while reading.
This student created a poster on multiplication and explained it in her own words and used pictures.
She created a math quiz on multiplication. The answer key was included as well.
I also use them for spelling homework and vocabulary practice. My students and parents loved them! I use many of the same activities and rotate them throughout the year so that they could feel confident in the activities but still have choice.
Have you ever used choice boards? If so, what do you like about them?