I don’t know what it is about adding dice to an activity in the classroom, but anytime I brought the dice out my students went nuts.
So I created these fun dice activities to do in math. My students needed as much practice in problem solving as they could get, and the dice made it fun…more like a game than just some boring worksheet.

Using a math problem you roll the die and it tells you what activity to do. The following problem solving strategies are included: draw a picture, use models, write to explain, part part whole, create a flowchart, and use number lines.
Students need to be able to use all the problem solving strategies, and this activity gives them a great way to practice.

There are several different ways to use these dice activities including pages with spaces for 4, 6, 8, or 10 activities.

Now notice when I draw a picture in math I do not draw a fancy picture. I always told my students that this was math class NOT art class so to keep it simple. KISS….or “keep it simple, sweetie”. In the beginning I had my student pretend to hold up a camera and take a picture. I literally brought up an imaginary camera and “clicked” a picture. Corny, yes, but it helped my students see what we were doing. And it really helped. So that’s why I just draw boxes to represent a photo.

These Roll and Solve activities are perfect for whole class, small groups, math centers, and homework.

Bring out the dice during math to practice problem solving strategies and just watch how your students react!