It’s Friday before Thanksgiving. And yes, I’m actually posting my Five for Friday on FRIDAY!
Miracle, right?
Well, I am so excited that I just can’t hide it. I have ALL next week OFF!!!!!
Can I get a big ‘ole WOO-HOO?
You might be asking, “Angela, what are your plans?”
Well, my plans are simple. My plan is to stay in my pajamas as much as possible. And sleep in of course.
Head on over to Doodle Bugs and read up on what everyone is up to.
Let’s get this party started!
Last weekend I went to College Station for the Texas A&M football game with my uncle. It was cold. SO cold. And it rained. Which made it colder. I wore my Korean thermals, and I was still cold. But it sure was awesome to be surrounded by other Aggies. I always feel home when I go there. There’s just something about it. Do you have a place like that?
I have a student in my classroom who is quite a few grade levels behind 3rd grade. It’s a struggle to keep him reading silently during silent reading time. My principal shared this idea with me, and I thought it was fantastic. It actually works! Now he can read silently for 10 minutes, which I am greatly pleased.
You get a file folder and label it like the following. The student puts all their books on the “Time to Read” side. He reads each book and puts it on the “Time to Reread” side afterward. Then when all the books are on the “Time to Reread” side, he rereads them. This continues back and forth until time is up. Now my students read silently for 30 minutes. That’s a bit too long for my friend, so we focus on 10 minutes.
It’s such a simple idea, but it sure does work!
We did a little Thanksgiving writing today today. If I was a turkey for Thanksgiving, I would say “Don’t eat me!” because…
This was my all-time favorite one. I literally laughed out loud at this one.
You can pick this little diddy up for free in my TpT store!
Today we reviewed for math with my Thanksgiving Solve the Room. I went a little off the grid for our lesson plans (shh…don’t tell), and I didn’t have a whole lot of time to do all the problems. So instead of putting the problem cards up all over the room and having the kids walk around, I decided to change it up. I put one question up at a time up on the projector. Each partner pair had one game board, two game pieces, and a dice.
They solved the problem in their math notebooks. Then if they got it right, they got to roll the dice and move their game piece. They LOVED it! It made me so happy to see them having so much fun while learning. Love moments such as these.
Can you see the excitement? He even did a little dance in his chair.
Now for the biggest news in my life this week…
I got a new foster dog…Georgia. And she’s wonderful. And beautiful. And sweet. And loving. I’m not sure I’ll be able to let her go. She even gets along well with my two dogs.
Seriously. Could you give her up?

Hi Angela. I love your time to read/time to REread idea. A folder in our book baggies would work that way, too. Great idea. Thanks! Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom
Kathleen, I'm so glad you liked that idea. I was amazed that something so simple could work so well.