So I’m trying something new this year. I am setting intentions and goals. I’m linking up with Stephanie at Principal Principles to share my goals.
Here we go!
Goal #1: Put my health a priority
I’ve done the whole “lose weight” for New Years resolutions, and yeah, that didn’t work so well. I’m sure I’m not the only one…right? So this year I am setting an intention on making my health a priority. Weight loss will be a great bonus. I want to focus on making better choices when it comes to food. I’m hoping in the process that my taste buds will change, and I won’t want Chick-Fil-A, McDonald’s, and who knows what all the time. I also want to focus on adding more activity into my day…taking a walk (I would take my dogs on walks, but I have 2 special needs dogs), dancing, whatever. It’s time to love myself! It’s time for the new version of me!
Goal #2: Step out of my comfort zone
I’ve got in a rut and have been afraid to do certain things. But I am setting my intention to step out of my comfort zone this year and try new things…despite being afraid.
Goal #3: Seek out more adventures
When I moved to Korea, it was amazing because practically every day was a new adventure. I LOVED it! When moving home, I was going to do more adventures here in my area, but I have become quite lax. So that’s a big goal for me. Seek out new things to do and do them!
Btw…I would be perfectly happy if that adventure involved traveling to another country. I’m just sayin’…
Goal #4: Create videos for teachers
I’ve never tried this. But I LOVE to share my ideas with teachers, and a lot of times writing it down just doesn’t cut it. You need to see it in action and hear it. So I have bought some new equipment to start making videos. Be on the lookout for them!
What are you goals for 2016?
Visit Southern Fried Teachin”s profile on Pinterest.

Your goals sound very inspirational and achievable! I wish you luck as you work on them this year.
Butterflying Through Teaching